Based in
Allegan, Michigan, our group is here to provide
support, resources, and information for homeschooling
families and those interested in it.
We are
an informal support group that is open to anyone.
in the past have included:
field trips
monthly gym days
year end field day
creation fair
science club
classes through the Allegan Arts Council building
Click here to see the Allegan Area Homeschoolers'
Creation Fair
2001 Photos
More activities are planned for the future.
For more
information on Allegan Area Homeschoolers
contact Ellen Puetz (616) 673-5119
For information on what is going on for homeschoolers
in West Michigan, check out:
Home School Building Connections, website,
HSB Connections digest, email list,
HSB Connections Calendar, print publication
In the News | Upcoming Events
More updates soon!